
那邊不但書籍多又齊全,而且折扣也不少。重點是在網路上買,只要在家等,就會有人送書來,真是好方便啊。最近,我到博客來逛逛,看到了 遠東少年中文(修訂版)第一冊(教師手冊) ,好像很不錯的樣子!

趁著最近比較空閒,可以看看書。所以就趕緊下單將遠東少年中文(修訂版)第一冊(教師手冊) 買回來喔。希望遠東少年中文(修訂版)第一冊(教師手冊) 的內容不會讓我失望。

和我一樣對遠東少年中文(修訂版)第一冊(教師手冊) 有興趣的朋友,也可以上博客來查查喔。

遠東少年中博客來 折價卷博客來 語言圖鑑文(修訂版)第一冊(教師手冊)

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010575919




The revised edition of Far East Chinese for Youth is a series of basic Mandarin Chinese language program designed for students aged 12-16. Both traditional and simplified characters are included in one book to meet the different needs of learners. To assist comprehension, vivid illustrations are presented throughout the book alongside new words. Pronunciation Practice and Key Structures are also emphasized along with situation-based conversations and paragraphs. This series provides instruction for both oral and written Chinese. To integrate culture with language, language materials are presented in the context of Chinese culture, values, and beliefs. Two sets of character cards are designed specifically for teachers to use in classroom and for students to review at home. This series includes: Student Book, Workbook, Teacher’s Guide, Character Cards, CDs and CD-ROM.


  • 作者: 遠東圖書公司編審委員會
  • 出版社:遠東
  • 出版日期:2007/07/01
  • 語言:繁體中文


商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010575919


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